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Fonts gone in icewm

I was going to use "Subject: fsck'ing fonts" due to my ongoing
frustration with fonts.

I did a dist-upgrade on my sid laptop today and lost fonts in my window 
manager icewm (also lost xmd loging for some reason!!)

I'm using the Infadel2 theme and it uses fonts like:

 TitleFontName = "-artwiz-snap-regular-r-normal-sans-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"

Now, this was working fine before.  What I don't know is if in the past 
I actually had this font or if there was some font substitution 

But now when I use that theme (and thus those artwiz fonts) no text is 
displayed in icewm (menus, titles, and so on).

I can change to a different theme and that will work (although my APM 
battery monitory on the taskbar doesn't show because I use one of those 
fonts in ~/.icewm/preferences.

The frustrating part is not that the fonts don't work, but that I can't 
debug it!  

- Is it a fontconfig issue (changes in font.conf)?  I just 
tried using a backup fonts.conf file and that didn't fix anything.

- My XF86Config-4 is dated from September, so that didn't changed on 
today's update.

- I tried enabling bitmap fonts in /etc/fonts/local.conf, too.

There was an icewm post about this:


And there's a debian icewm bug report about it, too.

Bill Moseley

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