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jigdo-lite: problems getting sid or sarge

Good morning everybody,

I am trying to download SID or SARGE using jigdo-lite 0.7.0
on a Windows XP machine. Everything looks fine at the beginning,
I select the image(s) I want to download, the .jigdo is downloaded, 
I select the local mirrors etc., then jigdo tries to download the 
.template file and I receive the following error message:


wget: BUG: unknown command `timeout', value `30'.
           => `sid-i386-1.template'
Resolving ftp.fsn.hu... done.
Connecting to ftp.fsn.hu[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 21,997,950 [application/octet-stream]

 2% [                                     ] 462,848        1.00K/s  ETA

15:59:50 (1.00 KB/s) - Connection closed at byte 462848. Retrying.

  (try: 2) => `sid-i386-1.template'
Reusing connection to ftp.fsn.hu:80.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...

Continued download failed on this file, which conflicts with `-c'.
Refusing to truncate existing file `sid-i386-1.template'.

Error - template checksum mismatch!
The .template file does not belong to the .jigdo file - the
chances are high that the image generation process will break.
I will abort now. If you know better than me and want this error
to be ignored, enter the string "42" to proceed.

Note that you might get this error if you resumed the download of a
.template file, and that .template file has changed on the server in
the meantime. In this case, you may be able to fix the problem by
deleting the .template file and restarting jigdo-lite.


This looks as if the server cancels the download after 2%, doesn´t it?
Or is the problem on my side?

I assume that the "templace checksum mismatch" is only the consequence of
the aborted download, isn´t it?

Can anybody tell me what is going wrong here and what I should do about it?

Thank you very much in advance,

Philipp Traeder

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