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linking to a DVD-drive

Hi everybody,

I have a Linux-Box with Distro Suse 7.3 on. I replaced the CDROM drive  
with a new DVD-Drive. I have declared the new DRIVE in the file fstab 
and created the folder /media/dvd as mount-point. Comparing with the 
old CDROM mounting point I should make a dir on /dev folder or file, 
which points out the folder /media/dvd. The floppy mount-point links 
to /dev/fd0 and /media/floppy. How can I make a link for my new DVD?, 
is there an application or program to create easily this type of 

thank in advance for your help,


Luciano Aguilera-Vazquez, Dipl. Ing.
Institut fuer Bioverfahrenstechnik, Uni-Stuttgart,
Allmandring 31, D-70569,
Vaihingen, Stuttgart, Deutschland
Tel.: +49-711-6855159
Fax:  +49-711-6855164

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