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Re: Outgoing SMTP ports

I figured out the problem.

My firewall was applying the same rules to my eth0 and lo interfaces, so I set the first rule in my inbound and outbound sets to allow any traffice on lo...

Is there any security risk posed by this? Should I be security concious about have no restricitions on the loopback interface?


On Oct 29, 2003, at 7:35 AM, James W. Thompson, II wrote:

My problem seems to persist, let me delve more into it and see if y'all can help.

My firewall allows all incoming and outgoing connections that are ESTABLISHED or RELATED My firewall allows all incoming connections on port 25 that are NEW (TCP) My firewall allows all outgoing connections to port 25 that are NEW (TCP)

Is there some other rule that I need to set because outgoing mail is just not going, I have my 3 nameservers setup in /etc/resolve.conf and can dig all the domains which mail should be going to so DNS doesn't seem to be the problem. Any suggestions?


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