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Re: netiquette: CCing on lists

Bill Moseley wrote:
Matter of opinion, as I appreciate the CC.

Well, here's the deal. If you didn't get the CC does it make extra work for you? You still get the message on the list, right? The person getting the CC has to either set up filtering or manually delete it. It is the same kind of annoyance that spam was, what, 7 years ago? "Oh, just hit delete every now and again..." Rude is rude.

The other part is, like it or not, on these lists it is also a matter of accepted conduct codified on the web page people should read before subscribing. So those who do find it rude and objectionable have the weight of accepted conduct on their side.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
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