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Getting HP to support Debian


So here we are trying to convince HP to support Debian!

What we need are some figure.  We've to tell HP that there are lot's of
people/sysadmins out there who use Debian on HP Server or consider using
buying HP-Hardware if they'd support Debian.

HP claims, that since Debian has not figures on how many users it has on
HP-Servers, they do not know if supporting Debian would make sense.

So please provide us with Information! If you use Debian on HP-Servers or
know some company who does, please let us know:

  How many HP/Compaq Servers
  (Model ?)
  Debian Version

We will collect those information and pass this info to somebody in
conatct with HP.

Send this information via eMail to debian@sk-tech.net.  If you do want to
be kept on a list, regarding infomation about this initiative, state this
in your eMail.  Otherwise you will not be contacted regarding this issue
any more!

Thanx for your Support!

K. Sayah Karadji

P.S. For now you could check this page regarding "Debian on HP-Servers":




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