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Re: A newbies confusion about GPL (BS)

Pigeon scratched with his claw:

"I think we've crossed wires a bit here; I was talking about the modern
State of Israel having been established after WW2 by the military
strength of the victors, mainly the USA, and maintained similarly. The
Isaiah passages basically say "don't rely on military alliances for
protection, as your allies and you will both go down the tubes"."

Besides the obvious theological/geographical associations, or perhaps
even because of them, I have often thought that the placement of a
declared state of Zionists in the middle of a Moslem environment was a
convenient way of keeping a region under turmoil, and thus more easily
A little book called "O Jerusalem" by Larry Collins and Dominique
Lapierre, gives an almost completely unbiased viewpoint of this
situation, Jewish and Palestinian Arab acquaintances advise.
I find it interesting that arabs and jews coexisted in the area quite
peacefully, until the postwar Zionist influx.

Quote/"> ..I respectfully disagree;  consider the thrustworthyness of
> Linux code now, and then _after_ a death sentence on Gates and Ballmer
> et al, say for having obstructed War on Terrorism by funding SCO to
> divert Linux manpower away from 64 bit development and into
> litigation, or for messing with a certain ballot machine operating
> system to elect a Certain Sissy, President.

Well, I don't agree with death penalties fullstop; I think sentences
of 40 years remembering not to bend over in the showers would be just
as good in the above example!"/Unquote

Even better, but they've got to lie down sometime.

Quote/ I remember when I was about 4 or 5, having found out what an atom
bomb was and what overpopulation meant, saying to my mum what a good
idea it would be to solve the overpopulation problem by nuking populous
countries... she wasn't very impressed! :-)/Unquote

Militant Pigeon.

Bacterial colonies on an orange limit their size by killing themselves
off with their own effluent. I have no idea where we get the arrogant
assumption that we are a highly evolved species!



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