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Re: Simple little basic config questions

> Haines Brown(brownh@hartford-hwp.com) is reported to have said:

> > prompt and setterm) can go in either place. User has a .bashrc and
> > .bash_profile (there's no .profile), and the configuration must go
> > into the latter. It does not work for me if put into .bashrc.
> Do you have 
> source .bashrc
> As the last line of your .bash_profile? That might help.

No, the default (debian3.0r.1) is to comment that in .bash_profile: 

  # if [ -f ~/.bashrc]; then 
  #   source ~./bashrc
  # fi

I don't see why this is commented, for it seems to disable
~/.bashrc. Is that so? If so, why it it disabled by default?  

> Note, just in case you didn't know this.  After making changes to
> these files it is not necessary to exit and relogin. Just enter
> . .bash_profile

I don't understand. "Enter" what into ~/.bash_profile? What does your
elipsis here refer to? 
> As long as you have the above in .bash_profile, any changes to
> either file will take effect.

> Oh, welcome to Debian.  You won't be sorry you switched from RH!!

I don't know if this comment is accurate, but RedHat seemed to be
moving toward a more integrated desktop, which a) caused unexpected
problems b) that are harder to resolve.


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