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Re: What would happen to Challenge/Response if ...

On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 at 22:32 GMT, Paul E Condon penned:
> Yes. My formula is an oversimplification of the real world. My excuse
> is that a visit to the TMDA web page gives the impression that the
> formula is valid, and might reasonably be expected to suck innocent
> readers into using something that is flawed. TMDA, the program, is
> *not* utterly without redeeming social value, but C/R is flawed in
> many ways, some social, some technical.

If I recall a conversation on the tmda mailing list a few weeks ago
properly, there has been some thought given to changing the
documentation/summary as well as to changing the default action on
install to something other than challenge.

Unless you need to share ultra-sensitive super-spy stuff with me, please
don't email me directly.  I will most likely see your post before I read
your mail, anyway.

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