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Re: exim as backup mx

On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 03:39:21PM +0100, Antony Gelberg wrote:
> > 
> > Unless dealing with a large amount of mail I wonder if it's even worth 
> > using a secondary.  The only reason for it would be to read your mail if 
> > you primary machine fails.  For example, for a small home setup if your  
> > local mail server is down it probably means everything is down, so 
> > you can't access the secondary anyway.  On my home setup I find that the 
> > only mail that goes through the secondary is spam.
> I guess the rationale is that his main server is behind an ADSL
> connection, as he has more control that way.  However, if the connection
> or server goes down, he doesn't want incoming mail to bounce.

He's not running his mx on a dynamic IP, is he?  Anyway, if his server 
is down it won't bounce -- at least not right away.  It's queued on the 
sending machine.

> The link you provided states:
> : Once you've done this, your host will accept mail from outside that is
> : addressed to those domains, and will relay it according to your delivery
> : configuration.
> So...  I guess it depends on the "delivery configuration".  I wouldn't
> want it to attempt immediate relaying, as the main server would probably
> still be down, and it defeats the object.

The mail get's queued like normal.

Maybe the local exim experts can explain how to take the mail that's 
queued on the secondary and then either deliver it locally on the 
secondary or some other host if the primary never comes back up 
(assuming that the secondary is normally configured to just relay mail 
onto the primary).

Bill Moseley

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