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Re: No X configuration offered during install of Woody (30r1)

Op di 21-10-2003, om 01:25 schreef John Hasler:

> Olav Lavell writes:
> > Denbian still installs too much stuff I did not ask for. It's not a
> > "minimal" distribution
> The Debian base system is too much?

Isn't it?

Why would one ever install Exim in a _base_ system? To name just one.

[the following part was about easy updating through apt-get:]

> > Yeah, unless you start installing stuff that did not came packaged from
> > Debian.
> > For instance, I like having a conservative Woody base system with bleeding
> > edge custom compiled apache and php on it.
> Download the source packages from Unstable, make your changes, and then
> build and install the packages.

I am missing your point here - have no problems finding sources or
compiling them.

My remark was just to clarify that there are scenarios where keeping a
system up to date is not an easy task performed automatically.

Met vriendelijke groet,


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