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Re: Switching from RH 7.3 to Debian 3.0r1

Curtis wrote:
I've downloaded the debian isos, burning them afterwards, but before I take the plunge into switching, is there anything to prepare? This is my first time switching distros on a computer. Any pitfalls to avoid. By the way, I wanted to do a netinstall, so I only have to use the first cd.

Make yourself a parted boot disk or a Knoppix CD (knoppix has parted
installed) and make another partition on your machine.  Install Debian
to the new partition and that way you have the entire RH install
available as a reference on the other partition.  Once you are confident
that your Debian install is good to go, wipe the RH partition and
reclaim it as /var, /usr, or delete it with parted and enlarge your
Debian partition.

If you have lots of stuff on your RH install (web server, mail server,
NFS server, whatever) you don't want to go nuking it before you have
everything functional under Debian.

Post any questions or problems to the list.


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