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Re: frustration building, please help(was: does debian xfree support my video?)

On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 01:30:02PM -0600, skippi wrote:
> When I execute dpkg-buildpackage I get a list of unmet build dependancies.  I 
> can like with that, so I write down all the names and start using apt-get to 
> install the needing packages.  That takes care of many of them.  However, I 
> still have unmet dependencies.
> Some of them, such as cpp-3.2 claim to be installed (according to apt-get).  
> Others, such as debhelper, do not exist.  I tried searching for some of these 
> packages in the packages section at debian.org.  Some exist as testing (is it 
> safe to install those?) and some don't exist at all.
> Here are my unmet dependencies:
> cpp-3.2
> po-debconf
> debhelper >=4.1.16
> libglide3-dev >=2002.04.10-3
> libfontconfig1-dev
> fontconfig
> libxft2-dev
> libxrender-dev
> libxcursor-dev
> Can anyone advise me on these packages??  Please, please, please...
> I'm glad my Windoze install is working.  I think I'm going to fire up a game 
> and kill something.
> Thank you in advance for any and all assitance.  Oh, and for those of you just 
> joining in, I'm trying to build, or install, XFree v4.3. 

I'm just joining in. Looks like you're trying to build a Woody
backport of 4.3.0 - which one? The mmagallo one or the nobse one? They
both have this sort of problem but the nobse one is considerably
worse. It didn't take me long to give up on it and try the mmagallo
one instead. I still had to install one or two things from testing but
it wasn't a problem.


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