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Re: Alsa and Linux kernel 2.6.0-test4


* Kevin Johnson <kjohnson@secureideas.net> [030901 10:33]:
> Hi-
> I just decided to switch from RedHat to Debian and so far am very
> impressed. 

Another happy convert!

> I purchased a Dell Dimension 4600 and installed Woody.  I then
> switched to unstable.  I found Crafterm's site that had the .deb
> files for the kernel 2.4.21 and installed them so that my network
> card would work.  On that site he has a file that talks about the
> audio card and the problems with the SB Live that Dell ships.  So I
> removed that card and enabled the onboard sound.  He then talks about
> installing 2.4.22 of the kernel.  I looked and could not find any
> packages to do this, so I thought if I have to compile a kernel I
> might as well try out 2.6.0-test4.  The comile seemed to go fine but
> when I boot into this new kernel I get the following message:
> 	 Starting ALSA (unknown version): failed - ALSA modules not 	installed
> Everything else seems to work, my NIC and video and the machine actually
> seems faster.  But I need sound.  Ok I don't need it but I sure would
> like it<grin>

Are you able to load other modules?  I was using alsa modules with no
problems with 2.6.0-test1 and 2.6.0-test3. My current kernel
(2.6.0-test3) has alsa compiled in (not as modules) and works without
a hitch.


Debian testing/unstable
Linux twofish 2.6.0-test3-looxt93c2 i686 GNU/Linux

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