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Re: Default install w/apache - how to create local web access?

On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 07:15, scott@ehrlichtronics.com wrote:
> I have built a default debian box with apache, apache-ssl, and
> squirrelmail.  I am creating accounts for family members who also want
> web page creation capability, but none of the accounts have web-like
> directories in their homedirs, like public_html or www.
> Apache, apache-ssl, and squirrelmail were installed via apt-get install.
> What change(s) do I need to make, and where, to permit local creation of
> web pages?
> Thanks.
> Scott

Hi Scott,
I enabled local web access by editing /etc/apache/httpd.conf
You have to enable

<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
    UserDir public_html

Then, if a user has:
a) chmod 701 their home directory (chmod 701 /home/username) (this will
not make their files world readable, thankfully).
b) a public_html folder in their home directory (mkdir
/home/username/public_html). This should be world readable (chmod 755
c) files (esp index.html) in their public_html folder)
then they can access the local pages are accessible at:


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