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Re: FW: OT: Why is C so popular?

Gregory Seidman wrote:

On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 11:42:17PM -0600, Jacob Anawalt wrote:
} Ok, I'm not arguing pro/con Java here, I just have question. What other } option do I have for web browser enabled client/server communication } without reloading the page* that I can use in Koqueror or other } non-mainstream graphical** browsers?

Flash. Not that I'm promoting it, I'm just saying it's an alternative.

} Jacob

Have Konqueror installed? Been here with it?


There may be some way to get it in Konqueror, but MM isn't saying how. Shockwave does some nifty stuff and I've played some fun games on 1+ Ghz systems. If you get the latest version on the latest browser. I find it more than frustrating to get "you need a newer version of flash to use this site" on my older Macs. Installing Java isn't always a piece of cake either, but it hasn't failed me yet.

That aside, and despite the fact that I had summarly dismissed flash in my mind when I made the post, I will grudgingly accept it as a solution. Any others? Any that are eligible to be included in the Debian archives (I know this kicks Java out, I'm just saying if the solution passed the requirements to be part of Debian, and was functional, I'd prefer it)


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