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Re: OT: Why is C so popular?

    I really loathe people who CC me things they respond to on list.  Even
more so for people who send a completely separate message.  Here's the short
version of what I had sent in private.

> Pyhton I have to think. Also my editor doesn't support % for python, it
> can't autofold python and so on a loot of good things that i have in
> most languanges are just not there in Python. 

    I'd be curious as to what editor that is since most serious Unix and
Windows editors do have support for Python.

> There is a nice program to fix this it's called indent...

    Already addressed elsewhere.

> if test: do first
> else: do other
> isn't good any more, there is still differences and different ideas...
> It's just not the same ones. 

    It never was.  Now add a line to either block.  I am a firm believer that
if the code must change form to be extended further down the road you coded it
wrong in the first place.  EG these are wrong:

if foo

Perl (pre 5.6):
unless foo {

Perl (even now)
bar unless foo;
bar if foo;

if bar: foo

    In each case if you go in and have to add something to the code the code
changes form.  This is wrong because it creates an inconsistent view of
certain constructs which lead to bugs.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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