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Re: some reality about iptables, please

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On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 10:26:57AM -0400, Bret Comstock Waldow wrote:
> > You're welcome to go through the resulting config files and take a
> > looksee for yourself.  It's not like the Windows registry or reading
> > an SQL database with less or anything like that.
> The problem I am facing is I don't know enough (yet) to do that.

OK, right now, go grab a shell prompt and start exploring the
filesystem (there's very few places in the filesystem you can't change
to as a normal user so don't bother going root), particularly through
/etc.  Things will start making *way* more sense.

> To then run across one suggestion along with language suggesting he
> wasn't telling the whole story (so I could evaluate what to do with it)
> and inferring I'll have trouble if I use his suggestion was maddening.

Nobody else has the rest of the story, either.  Not that it matters,
odds are the guy working on the package knows what's wrong with his
own package.  Did you think of looking at the package information and
perhaps emailing the maintainer for an explaination?  Something like
that isn't likely going to be answerable by the list (most of the
developers don't read this list).

> And if I did, what does that say about the documentation?
> Yes, I am an idiot sometimes.  Perhaps this time too.

- -- 
 .''`.     Paul Johnson <baloo@ursine.ca>
: :'  :    
`. `'`     proud Debian admin and user
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fix a system
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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