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Re: Funny failure of a CR system on debian-devel

I wrote:
> It didn't say that the secret had been received, only that debian-devel
> had been whitelisted.  Nost likely, the user did so manually.

manoj writes:
> And elected to recieve a message obviously spam and infected with a
> virus?

How would he have known that?  He had not seen the message yet if I
understand correctly.  In any case, it seems more likely that he
whitelisted the address manually than that the virus successfully returned
the secret.

> And now would get any and all viruses from anyone who yet again spoofs
> the mailing list as the sender?

No doubt.

> yes, I can see how this is so much better than my filtering system that
> has caught all these messages from day one.

I can't, but then I'm not advocating C-R.
John Hasler
john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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