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Re: OT: Why is C so popular?

On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 11:06, Alan Shutko wrote:
> Anders Arnholm <anders@arnholm.nu> writes:
> > If this happen in C, :0=G and it's possible to read, if we have the
> > same situation in Pyhton I have to think. Also my editor doesn't
> > support % for python, it can't autofold python and so on a loot of
> > good things that i have in most languanges are just not there in
> > Python.
> So, basically, you don't like Python because your text editor is
> junk.  Fix it or go find a real editor!

Heck, vim in default mode (no syntax coloring) is Good Enough.

Ron Johnson, Jr. ron.l.johnson@cox.net
Jefferson, LA USA

After listening to many White House, Pentagon & CENTCOM 
briefings in both Gulf Wars, it is my firm belief that most 
"senior correspondents" either have serious agendas that don't 
get shaken by facts, or are dumb as dog feces.

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