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Re: Funny failure of a CR system on debian-devel

I wrote:
> It didn't say that the secret had been received, only that debian-devel
> had been whitelisted.  Nost likely, the user did so manually.

Travis Crump writes:
> Why would a user do that?

Because he wants to receive the list.

> Anything with a From address of debian-*@lists.d.o is forged and
> consequently either spam or a virus.

He may believe that mail from debian-*@lists.d.o will have
debian-*@lists.d.o on the From: line.

> If this is the only way that the user has of preventing more challenges
> being sent to debian-*@lists.d.o than I would call that a failure.

That's another possibility.
John Hasler
john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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