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Re: Debian and KDE


William Bradley (<bradleyw@magma.ca>) wrote:

> I am using the latest Debian woody and installed KDE. The Kppp dialer
> was not part of the install so I apt-get installed kppp. When I went
> to use it the following was the response:
> "KDE Init coult not launch 'Kppp': Could not find 'Kppp' executable"
> Can anyone help me with this?

The executable name is "kppp", not "Kppp". How did you call it? If you
used an icon, does it point to the executable? Can you call it directly
(press ALT+F2 to execute a command) or via terminal window (konsole or

> During Debian's initial installation, I set up a dialup. What utility
> uses that information to make the connection?

You should be able to use "pon" and "poff" with this setup. Use
"pppconfig" to reconfigure it.

> Finally, when I log out of KDE, it takes me back to the initial Debian
> login screen (graphical). The only way I can see to close down
> altogether is CTRL-ALT-F3, where I have to login as root and close
> with: "shutdown -h now". Is there a less complicated way of getting
> Debian closed down?

Does CTRL+ALT+DEL not work?  Which login manager do you use? If you use
XDM, you can switch to KDM. KDM allows you to shutdown your computer if
it is properly configured. Call kcontrol as root (e.g. kdesu kcontrol)
to check this.


apt-get install kdm

to install it. Later, you can use dpkg-reconfigure xdm or
dpkg-reconfigure kdm to switch between the two.

best regards
        Andreas Janssen

Andreas Janssen
PGP-Key-ID: 0xDC801674
Registered Linux User #267976

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