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Code rights for employees (was Re: SCO identifies code?)

On Tue, Aug 19, 2003 at 01:19:34PM -0400, Bijan Soleymani wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 19, 2003 at 10:34:35AM -0600, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
> > 
> > That doesn't matter.  If the employer doesn't like the employee's
> > performance, they can fire them.  However what that employee does on
> > their time is theirs.  I work for a PBX vendor, that doesn't mean
> > that they can in any way stop me from working on another PBX product
> > on my time.  Simply put, what I do on their time is theirs, what I
> > do on mine is mine.  I won't sign a contract giving any employer
> > anything else.
> Depending on what an employee does it can end up being a conflict of
> interest. The example I gave of ebay employees starting their own
> auction site is that sort of example.

And a conflict of interest can be handled by the employer firing the
employee, that's all that's needed.  As long as I don't use code written
for them, either by me on their time or someone else, I'm free to do
what I want on my time.  If code written for them is used, it's theft,
plain and simple.

The fact that I do X for my employer doesn't mean I can't do X (for me
or anyone else) on my time.  I simply can't do the exact same X for

> Cool thanks, will do. Btw when I reply to you I end up with my mail
> being to debian-user and no CC to you, is that because of this header?
> If so does this mean I don't have to worry about sending CCs to people
> who don't want them?

If they set the header correctly and your mailer honors the header when
set, yes that's exactly what it means.

Jamin W. Collins

This is the typical unix way of doing things: you string together lots
of very specific tools to accomplish larger tasks. -- Vineet Kumar

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