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Re: [OT]: CVS replacement

On Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 01:11:57PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
> Rob Weir wrote:
> > Sure.  The beautiful thing about arch is that it's designed around
> > sets of changesets.  Think of a changeset as a super-patch, that
> > tracks file renames and symlinks and permissions.
> > There's no real clear upgrade path from CVS.  Subversion has cvs2svn,
> > which is undergoing heavy development and is almost there for branches
> > and tags (mainline conversions have been possible for a while).  There
> > is a project called cscvs which is working on extracting changesets
> > from CVS repositories (which is harder than it sounds, since CVS
> > doesn't track changes to groups of files.
> Note that cvs2svn deals with this same problem, since subversion
> effectively uses changesets as well. Any given subversion commit can
> involve multiple changes to multiple files, including renames and
> executablity changes. Of course it doesn't do symlinks or general
> permissions yet.

Yup, I meant to say "yes, they both face the same problems, but
Subversion is well ahead of arch in this respect".  Sorry for the

Rob Weir <rweir@ertius.org> | mlspam@ertius.org  |  Do I look like I want a CC?
Words of the day:     passwd CDC BLU-97 A/B monarchist USDOJ Fat Man kilo class

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