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Re: ATI Radeon 9000 question

 --- lameth <lameth@comcast.net> escribió: 
> I've just moved back from slackware to Debian and I'm running into a few 
> problems.

Welcome to the club (problems with the Radeon 9000, that is)

> Version 4.1 of Xfree86 doesn't support my graphics card, an ATI Radeon 
> 9000. After installing Debian 3.0 I'm stuck with no x-windows. This 
> leaves me with two options one of which I've tried but I'm having a 
> problem with.
> Since I have a dual boot system with windows xp I went to ati's website 
> and downloaded the drivers for my card that are used with version 4.1.0 
> of Xfree86. The only problem is linux doesn't see my winxp drive. I've 
> added /dev/hdb1   /winxp   vfat user,noauto  0  0 to my fstab file but 
> when I try to mount /winxp or /dev/hdb1 it tells me mount point /winxp 
> doesn't exist. That is correct isn't it? I was hoping I could access the 
> driver file that way and use alien to convert the rpm file into a .deb file.

You could wget the file from the console in Debian.  You also want to make
sure that a) your WinXP drive is not actually NTFS (as opposed to VFAT) and
b) you have the VFAT support in the kernel either compiled in or available
as a module.

> My second option is to get xserver-common 4.2.0 and xserver-xfree86 
> 4.2.0 from unstable and use that.  Will I have to switch my entire 
> system to testing if I do that? And if so what do I need to put in my 
> list.sources file so that apt will get the right packages.

Don't bother with 4.2.  If you plan to use the DRI drivers then go to 4.3
(either by adding the experimental repository to your apt sources, or
by downloading the source packages and building them yourself).  Source
packages are available here: http://necrotic.deadbeast.net/xfree86/
Go here for more infor: http://people.debian.org/~branden/xsf/

If you are going to use the binary ATI driver, I imagine that 4.1 should be
OK, since they provide a driver for it.  Make sure you have version 2.9.13.

Incidentally, what mobo (and chipset) do you have?

> lameth

Let me know if you need anymore info.  I spent about three weeks to finally
get everything working correctly, so I have seen most of the problems you
will encounter getting this beast to work.


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