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dhcpd and multiple interfaces

Hey Debs!

I'm running "Internet Software Consortium DHCP Server V3.0pl1" (on
RedHat, regrettably, but...). I have Debian on my laptop, and it has a
regular ethernet port as well as a PCMCIA wireless card. Sometimes I
want to use the wired connection because it's faster for transferring
files, but of course I want to use the wireless card when I'm roaming
around the house.

In my dhcpd.conf, I have a static IP for my laptop based on its MAC,
but it doesn't like it when I try to specify two MACs (one for the
internal 3Com NIC and one for the wireless NIC). I like to always give
my laptop the same IP because then it works with all of my /etc/hosts
files on my other machines (no name server here!)

This is what the entry looks like now:

host yelena {
	hardware ethernet 00:06:5b:d5:39:35;

The problem is that dhcpd also doesn't like it when I try to give two
"different" machines the same fixed-address. I can't believe this is
something that SOMEONE hasn't experienced before!

Maybe there's a better DHCP daemon out there?

Any comments appreciated ;-)

Aaron Bieber
Graphic Design // Web Design

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