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Re: Hercules 9800 Pro and XFree under unstable.

Rus Hughes wrote:

Sorry for not replying sooner but I've only just now had time to try it
out. I did exactly as you said, although they updated the driver on the
site to: Driver Version X4.2.0-2.9.13 on July 22 (I also downgraded to
the 2.4.21 kernel) and the fglrx module compiled and installed

I then ran the fglrxconfig and all was good.. until I tried to run
startX and got these errors :

(EE) fglrx(0): board is third party board
(EE) fglrx(0): [agp] unable to acquire AGP, error "xf86_ENODEV"
(EE) fglrx(0): cannot init AGP
I get the same error when it comes to the board being third party, but everything still works fine. I also recently upgraded to the July 22 driver, and it works fine too. Seems they fixed Xx support.

I tried the kernel and fglrxconfig both with the default kernel agpgart
and the one that comes with the fglrx module and got the same error.

I don't know why you are getting that error. Did you compile agpgart inot the kernel or as a module? I compiled it as a module and used agp_try_unsuppoted=1 for my Intel 875PBZ motherboard. I coudn;t get it to load with that parameter. What motherboard are you using BTW?? I would try AGP 4x to be on the safe side.

Is this because I didn't get the March 28 driver like you recommended (I
cant find it on the ati site..) or is this something else?

My AGP slot is using AGP 8 in case that matters? I think I read a while
back somewhere there were issues with 8? Should I drop down to 4?

Below is my XFree86.0.log. Thanks very much for the help, I'm so close,
I can almost taste it :)


Let me know how it goes, and good luck.

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