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Re: Dell Inspiron 5100

On -26-Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 11:56:03PM +0200, Christophe TROESTLER <debian00@tiscali.be> spake thus,
> Hi,
> I am thinking to buy a Dell inspiron 5100.  If you own such a machine,
> can you tell me
> * does everything work?
> * are you happy with it?

I own an Inspiron 4100 that I recently put Debian to work on. I realize that there have been a lot of changes in the Inspirons from the 4100s to the 5100s (not to mention the 8000 series), but aside from the sound problems I've been having (see my post 'ALSA / Debian / OSS / Inspiron'), everything is peachy with the display, USB, touchpad, etc.

I'm pretty sure that the core components in most Inspirons are the same (aside from XGA vs. SXGA displays), so you probably won't have many problems with the 5100. I do highly recommend Dell to all of my friends, Windows and Linux users alike.

If you do get an Inspiron with the standard XGA display that tops out at 1400x1050, be prepared to search Google for modelines that will bring X11 up to par. I don't think you need to go through that for 1600x1200, though.

Hope that helps somewhat.

Aaron Bieber
Graphic Design // Web Design

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