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Re: play mp3 files on xmms (fixed)

Shyamal Prasad <shyamal.prasad@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>     "Eduardo" == Eduardo Gargiulo <ejg-debian@ar.homelinux.org> writes:
>     Eduardo> Hi all I'm running woody 3.0_r1 and I'm looking for same
>     Eduardo> way to play mp3 files on xmms. Is it possible? Is there
>     Eduardo> any plugin? In case the answer is not, which player do
>     Eduardo> you recommend me to play mp3 files?
> Just play 'em. xmms supports mp3 out of the box on Woody for sure
> (that is what I'm running). If you don't believe the description see:
> $ dpkg -L xmms | grep mpg
> /usr/lib/xmms/Input/libmpg123.so

After running xmms from xterm I realized (thanks console output) that
there was a permission problem. The user who had started xmms did not
have permissions on /dev/dsp.

I added the user to group audio and it worked fine. Is it the right
solution or there is another standar way to fix the problem?

thanks all


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