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Proportional fonts not printed with xprt-xprintorg with Mozilla

Dear Folks,

I run Debian woody on a PC with (unstable distribution) Mozilla Debian Package 1.3-3 and xprt-common 0.0.8.cvs20030 and xprt-xprintorg 0.0.8.cvs20030. I can print proportional and fixed width fonts via xprt with Mozilla on my office PC, but NOT on my home PC, which has a similar installation. I have the standard xfonts and TrueType fonts, including the msttcorefonts, on both machines. I also run xfs-xtt on both.

The home installation, which does not print proportional fonts, has the following settings:


(DISPLAY=:64 xset q | awk "/Font Path:/ { i=1 ; next } i==1 { print \$0 ; i=0 }" | tr "," "[\n]")

The Mozilla print preview with xprt-xprintorg shows the proportional sans serif fonts on web pages, but the hardcopy output from the printer only shows fixed width fonts. Even when I save to a .ps file and view it with gv, I only see courier fonts, unlike the print preview which shows the proportional fonts.

Can you tell me what to do to print proportional fonts, please?

Thank you.

  03 May 03
Dr R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar
Australian Research Centre for Medical Engineering
Murdoch University
South Street, Murdoch, WA 6150, AUSTRALIA
Phone: +61-(8)-9360-2783    Fax: +61-(8)-9360-6304
email: chandra@central.murdoch.edu.au
The Murdoch University CRICOS Provider Code is 00125J

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