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RE: Debian and LDAP

If you have to create your users from scratch, as
opposed to "migrating" them, the ldapuseradd script
I posted may greatly assist you in that.  The script
is somewhat old, so it may require a few changes
to work with the newer LDAP server version (I haven't
used it for quite some time, so I'm not really sure).

As you may or may not have noticed, I am using Outlook.
I have a "directory service" account set up for my local
LDAP server.  When I compose a new message, Outlook will
query the LDAP server to find the e-mail address of the
person whose name I enter into the "To:" field.  It does
this via the "mail" attribute.  I created my initial LDAP
entries by manually composing an LDIF file and importing
that into the LDAP server.  Here's my "record" in the LDAP
server, from the LDIF file (some information blocked out,
of course):

dn: cn=Jeremy Gaddis,ou=People,dc=gaddis,dc=org
cn: Jeremy Gaddis
objectclass: person
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
facsimiletelephonenumber: +1 812 555 5555
postaladdress: PO Box 123
streetaddress: 123 Any Street
l: Mitchell
st: Indiana
postalcode: 47446
telephonenumber: +1 812 555 5555
mail: jeremy@gaddis.org
givenname: Jeremy
sn: Gaddis

Also, if you use the right entries (which I didn't),
you can also use Start -> Find -> People in Windows
to query the LDAP server (instead of the local Contacts
database) and Windows will show the person's name,
address, phone numbers, etc. in the appropriate fields.

I can't give you any information regarding Evolution as
I don't use it, but I assume the setup is probably very
similar, since Evolution aims to be an Outlook "clone".



Jeremy L. Gaddis   <jeremy@gaddis.org>   <http://www.gaddis.org>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Aaron Isotton [mailto:aaron@isotton.com] 
> Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 8:37 AM
> To: Jeremy Gaddis
> Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: RE: Debian and LDAP
> On Sun, 2003-03-16 at 03:09, Jeremy Gaddis wrote:
> > I've attached two Perl scripts which may or may not
> > come through.  One is the LDAP-aware version of
> > useradd, the other the LDAP-aware version of passwd.
> > If they don't come through, let me know and I'll
> > send them privately.
> > 
> > You don't have to create all the accounts manually,
> > there are "migration tools" to help complete this task.
> > IIRC, http://www.padl.org/ has some scripts.
> Well, I don't have to "migrate" users, I still have to create them. 
> (It's an all new infrastructure).
> > As for a user being a member of multiple groups,
> > the groups go into a separate organizational unit
> > ("ou=groups", usually), and each user that is a member
> > of this group is included under this, "member: username",
> > IIRC.
> > 
> > HTH.
> > 
> > j.
> Thank you (and all the others who answered).  Your help is very
> appreciated.
> Another question:  programs like Evolution and Outlook allow 
> one use an
> LDAP directory as backend for Contacts.  Which entries are 
> used exactly
> for all that?
> Aaron Isotton                                 [ 
http://www.isotton.com ]
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