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Re: wget usage help, please

On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 02:00:40PM -0500, Alan Shutko wrote:
> stan <stanb@awod.com> writes:
> > wget --no-parent -r -l0 --domains=www.backupcentral.com http://www.backupcentral.com/amanda.html
> >
> > And let it run for a few seconds, and here is what I get:
> BackupCentral.com uses some URLs like
> http://www.backupcentral.com/cgi-bin/redirect?url=http://www.stor2b.com/index.php
> to go to other places.  wget will hit that url (since it's in the
> domain you wanted) and will get redirected to another place, and will
> store that file.  It isn't traversing the rest of their site, though.
> AFAICT, there's no way to stop it from following redirects to other
> sites.  Just don't worry about it.

Thanks, I appreciate your looking into this for me, it's a big help!
"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
						-- Benjamin Franklin

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