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Re: cdrdao CD -> burner question

stan <stanb@awod.com> writes:

> I've got a machine with both a 56X CD and an HP CD writer. I would like to
> be able to copy CD's (audio) by going directly fro the CD to the burner. Is
> this feasible? Looks like cdrdao has command line options to do this. Will
> there bee speed issues, given a reasonably fast machine )1.8G Athalon)? Do
> I need to have the CD set up using SCSI emulation? Presently, I only have
> the writer set up that way.

gcdmaster, which is a frontend for cdrdao, has this option, so I think
you're safe. I've never actually done this (had to disconnect my regular
cd-rom because my power supply was getting over-used) but I doubt that
you'd have any speed issues on an Athlon 1.8G, especially if your writer
has burn-free (or whatever HP calls it).

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