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Re: Packaging system and non-Debian packages [was: Re: lm_sensors]

On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 03:49:57PM +0000, Pigeon wrote:
> It would be useful to know how to do this in the more general case,
> where there isn't a convenient command like make-kpkg.
> My particular case is X 4.2.0, which I downloaded the source of and
> compiled for slink, then for woody when I upgraded. But of course
> woody's packaging system doesn't realise it's there and keeps wanting
> to pull in bits of the woody X.
> No doubt the "Debian way" to fix this would be to get the X 4.2.1
> source package from testing and build that. But I'm on dialup, and the
> idea of re-downloading 100Mb or so compares poorly with that of
> editing a few files to achieve the same result.

No, the debian way is to do one of the following:

1) download the diff and dsc file, apply to your source, build debian

2) use the "equivs" package.  It claimns it is a hack (and it is) but
it works as long as you have a clue.  You can really break your
system with it if you do not :-)


Nathan Norman - Incanus Networking mailto:nnorman@incanus.net
  Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
          -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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