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Re: Can't upgrade from slink to woody!

On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 03:17:22AM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-01-22 at 14:41, Pigeon wrote:
> > Oh yes, and
> > svgatextmode didn't work properly - the cursor didn't wrap to a new
> > line when typing in a long command - so I reinstalled the old one.
> Congrats!
> Maybe the desired svgatextmode properties could be altered by a config
> file or switch?  But you've already thought of that.  Never mind...

I hadn't actually. It looked like a bug; it looked like what you get
when trying to read a text file written on a Mac, except it only
happened when typing in a long line, normal scrolling being OK. It
never occurred to me that such behaviour might be thought desirable in
certain situations and so could be turned on or off by a config file
or switch...

Checking the version numbers, it seems that my 'old' svgatextmode was
actually newer than the woody version anyway! (1.10 vs. 1.9)

Maybe it's something to do with my video card - svgatextmode's 'SiS'
driver doesn't cover my SiS6326, so I had to write a ClockProg for
the 6326 to get it to work. Maybe the slightly older woody version has
a slightly different SiS driver which is less compatible with the 6326.

What a shame that such a useful program has undergone no development
since 1999. What does everyone do - use 80x25, use framebuffer or run
console apps in xterms? The svgatextmode docs give framebuffer as the
reason for freezing development, but you have to compile your own
kernel with experimental features turned on to get it, and Linus
himself says it's a nasty fudge which is only there so you can get a
console on non-VGA hardware (list passim).


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