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Passwordless SSH still asks for password when remote username differs

Here is what I did :

# Local end :
cd ~/.ssh
# Enter an empty password when prompted by the following command
ssh-keygen -t dsa -f id_dsa
scp id_dsa.pub remote.end.net:~/.ssh
# Repeat last command for all remote ends

# Remote ends
cd ~/.ssh
touch authorized_keys2
cat id_dsa.pub >> authorized_keys2
chmod 640 authorized_keys2
rm -f id_dsa.pub

# Local end :
ssh remote.end.net
# Look ma, no password !

Works great between various hosts where I have the same username. But
when I want to connect to a host where my username is different (ssh -l
differentusername other.remote.end.net) I am still asked for a password.
I log on fine, but it is annoying to be unable to enjoy passwordless
SSH, SCP and Unison just because I could not get an account with my
usual username.

Can anybody point me toward a solution ?

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