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exim wierdness

I am finding a problem with exim.

I have read many a manual, visited many a documentation site, with no joy. Could anyone please point me in the right direction....

If I have an email with a '.' in the "localhost" name (before the '@') it gives an error that the "localhost" name is invalid.

This does not happen when the "localhost" name has no '.'.


rohannicholls@informaat.nl - no problem (although this address doesn't exist)

rohan.nicholls@informaat.nl - gives an error.

This is a little urgent as I would like to use exim as my smtp mailer, because it doesn't mind if I am at work or at home it still delivers mail.:)

But all the mail addresses at work involve the first-name.last-name@domain.end protocol, so I cannot send any mails to coworkers using mutt.

Thanks in advance,


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