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Re: 3c90x drive

This one time, at band camp, Ron Johnson said:
> On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 11:51, user list wrote:
> > We have recently had similar behavior. However, we found that even
> > though the we received installation failed messages, it actually worked.
> > During the device driver configuration step, are you also installoing
> > pci-scan? When I did this on a recent install, the apparent failure
> > vanished.
> What is pci-scan?  I don't see a package like that?

It's a kernel module. Definitely in the later 2.2 series, don't rememebr
if it's also in 2.4

|  Stephen Gran                  | It's not easy, being green.   -- Kermit |
|  steve@lobefin.net             | the Frog                                |
|  http://www.lobefin.net/~steve |                                         |

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