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Re: newbie: more startup problems

Incoming from Paul Schwartz:
> I have been trying to enable web access to update apt, etc.
> I have tried two ways: wvdial and pon
> Both seem to connect to my ISP and establish ppp, but
> none of the programs I run are able to communicate with the outside.
> I have tried to ping by name [my ISP's domain] and by numerical address 
> [the DNServers]
> No responses.  The only response is for localhost.  I have tried to do 

Does your system know about any nameservers?  pppconfig asks for

For pon, what's in /var/log/messages or ppp*?

In /etc/ppp/peers/provider, is there a "-v" in the chatscript call?

Do you need special authorization at your ISP?  CHAP, PAP?

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)               http://www.spots.ab.ca/~keeling 
- -

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