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Re: Linux is not for consumers!

On Thu, 11 Dec 2003 12:07:23 -0600
"Michael Martinell" <mike@dakotasioux.com> wrote:

> That's why the people doing the documentation should be the power-user
> who is not familiar with every intricate detail, and has had to struggle
> and learn the system.  That is the person who can usually explain things
> in a

This sounds like an excuse for programmers not to document their programs.
Probably the best arrangement would be for documentation to be a
collaboration between the programmers and the power users.

But I feel strongly that to overcome the original point in the thread,
many app developers need to give more attention to the documentation, and
indeed the user interface, and a little less to adding that "nice new
exciting" (and undocumented) feature.

- Richard

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