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Re: yet another NVIDIA problem (4496)

On Wednesday December 10 at 03:24pm
Haim Ashkenazi <haim@babysnakes.org> wrote:

> I've just bought a new GeForce 5600 (Gainward Ultra 780 TV/DVI) and
> for that occasion I've upgraded my nvidia drivers to 4496-10. after
> upgrading, X wouldn't start (error loading 'nvidia') unless I modprobe
> 'nvidia' manually, and then it loads, but with an error:
> devfs_register(nvidiactl): could not append to parent, err: -17
> devfs_register(nvidia0): could not append to parent, err: -17
> I've googled for it but only found some kernel mailing list entries
> which I didn't understand. as a workaround I've added nvidia to
> '/etc/modules' but I was wondering if this problem can be solved.
> kernel: 2.4.21

I don't think X is supposed to load the module. I've always used
'modconf' to select it, which automagically adds an entry to

jkoenig@note:~$ dmesg | grep nvidia
0: nvidia: loading NVIDIA Linux x86 nvidia.o Kernel Module  1.0-4496 
Wed Jul 16 19:03:09 PDT 2003
jkoenig@note:~$ uname -a
Linux note 2.4.23 #1 Mon Dec 1 22:20:24 EST 2003 i686 GNU/Linux
-johann koenig
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