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Re: xfree won't start w/ video card sis630

--On Tuesday, December 09, 2003 17:01:38 -0700 Terry <terrys@cedarcity.org> wrote:

XFree cannot start.  When I select the option to start the program to
make adjustments, the monitor flashes from black to a small window
with the monitor's settings and the message "out of range".

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Sounds like you got too high values for "HorizSync" and/or "VertRefresh" in your xconfig file (/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 or /etc/X11/XF86Config). You can try to run (from console) "XFree86 --configure" and see if it works, or you can adjust the settings your self. Check the manual for your monitor, the ranges it's usually specified. If it isn't (and configure above doesn't work) you can try with:

       HorizSync       30-50
       VertRefresh     50-70

which I _think_ should work for most monitors, although it may be far from optimal.

Good luck,

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