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Re: fully removing a user?

on Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 10:22:39AM -0700, Monique Y. Herman (spam@bounceswoosh.org) wrote:
> So, I've noticed that my home machine has some accounts lying around
> that are certainly unused -- I set up a user so that a friend could use
> my disk space, that sort of thing.
> Got me thinking ... okay, you use 'userdel -r foo', and it gets rid of
> the passwd entry, home directory, and mailspool ... 
> It's also occured to me that the user may have cron jobs installed.
> What other things might a user have that aren't automagically handled?

"Deleting" a system user is frequently *not* what you want to do.

Your best bet is to make the user inactive.

    passwd -l

...prevents logins on the account.

Change the user shell to /bin/false to prevent the user from running a

Checking under /var/spool will show crontabs and at jobs.  Not sure if
there's a way to disable these, or if the 'passwd -l' trick does that.

Finally, the user is likely to have files on the system -- certainly
under /home (or $HOME, if not under /home), and possibly elsewhere.

It's the residual files which are th epirmary reason *not* to blindly
delete a user's /etc/passwd entry.  Given a disabled account, the user
*cannot* log into the system.  However the system administrator *can*
still identify files owned by that user, and move, change ownership, or
delete these as necessary.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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