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Re: Stable Debian == obsolete??

On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 08:25:53PM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 01:33:13AM +0000, Pigeon wrote:
> > ...speaking of such things - if the remote machine gets a different
> > IP, through DHCP, every time it boots, is there a more elegant way I
> > can discover this IP than having the remote machine email me when it
> > boots?
> You don't get a different IP every time you boot unless you boot once
> after the IP release.  Usually, you try to renew your lease halfway
> through the lease to keep the possibility of it expiring when you
> still need it to an absolute minimum, and doesn't get flushed back
> into the released pool for usually twice the lease interval.  If
> you're wondering how DHCP identifies your machine to tell it's the
> same: your NIC's MAC address.

I see. My above question sacrificed accuracy for conciseness: "cannot
be guaranteed to get the same IP when it boots" would better describe
the observed behaviour. Now I know why. Thanks.


Be kind to pigeons
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