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Re: bit of help for new debian user....

Matt Eberhardt wrote:
Hey list,

I appear to have broken something with my Debian Unstable setup.
I noticed the problem when trying to ssh out of the box to a remote box. I
get a:
"Network is unreachable"
first thought the problem was ssh.. so I tried to ssh to localhost, whiched
worked fine.

Then I tried pinging an external host, every ping fails.

Next I tried "lynx yahoo.com" and it fails with a "Unable to connect to
remote host."

So now I'm thinking network problem... I can ssh out from a windows box, so
I know that it is not being blocked at the router level.
I can do "host yahoo.com" and get it to resolve correctly. I can ping
internal addresses. I can ssh into the box from a windows box. I can get
webpages from internal addresses.
But I can't get to anything outside our network.... anytime i try, i get a
host unreachable.

Then I thought perhaps iptables was blocking it, so I ran
"/etc/init.d/iptables clear" but that did not fix anything.

I'm stumped... and there is nothing in the logs that is tossing an error....

Any ideas?

What is the output from 'route -n' and 'ifconfig'?


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