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Re: PDFs on the fly with PHP

kmark+debian@pipeline.com wrote:

On Tue, 28 Oct 2003, Monique Y. Herman wrote:

On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 at 21:26 GMT, Emma Jane Hogbin penned:

Hi everyone,

I'm working on a PHP web site that needs to generate PDFs on the fly.
I don't want to use PDFlib as the code is totally open source and I
don't want people to have to deal with the licensing on PDFLib.

Not to pick nits, but is the problem that it's opensource, or rather
that it's GPL (or some other license with restrictions)?  The BSD
license is, I believe, an opensource license without restriction.

there is also the LGPL which is informailly called the library GPL. It
allows you to use a library in a closed source app. This is in contrast to
a GPL library that would only be allowed in a GPL'd app.

The problem is *not* the GPL, as Emma is planning to release her project
under it, but the fact that PDFlib requires a license fee for commercial
use (and is otherwise restricted, thus making it non-free).  She doesn't
the user of her product to be required to deal with licensing PDFlib, so
she is looking for alternatives that *are* compatibe with the GPL.


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