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Re: reiserfs

On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 at 15:31 GMT, Vivek Kumar penned:
> Hi there,
> I was trying to mount my removable hdd as reiserfs filesystem. It gave
> me following error. What should I do ??
> Vivek
> mount -t reiserfs /dev/hdd1 /prod1
> mount: fs type reiserfs not supported by kernel
> ham:~#
> ham:~#
> ham:~# cd /proc
> ham:/proc# cat version
> Linux version 2.2.20-idepci (herbert@gondolin) (gcc version 

Looks like you need to get a version of the kernel that supports
reiserfs.  Me, I'd compile my own, but I believe you can get versions of
the kernel that support various extra options.

(Hey, question for the list: as I understand it, there's the vanilla
kernel, and then there's, say, the kernel with reiser support, the
kernel with xyz support, etc.  If you need multiples of these, do you
have to compile it yourself, or is there a way to get that pre-packaged?
I personally find some perverse joy in reading through all the options
and rolling my own, but I'm curious about how the other side lives.)

Unless you need to share ultra-sensitive super-spy stuff with me, please
don't email me directly.  I will most likely see your post before I read
your mail, anyway.

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