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Re: [OT] CVS diff: hard vs. soft tabs

Nori Heikkinen <nori@sccs.swarthmore.edu> writes:

> now it's time to check it into CVS.

Here's what I do in similar situations.  Do a diff between your work
file and the latest in CVS with diff -cb (or diff -ub, according to
preference).  The -b ignores changes in whitespace.  Then get a fresh
copy of the file from CVS, apply the patch with patch -l.  Then fix
up whatever lines are left that aren't indented right.  The lines you
added will need fixing, the lines you modified shouldn't.

Diff also has a switch "-E" which is supposed to ignore tab
expansion, but since you converted tabs to two spaces, I don't know
how well it will work.

Alan Shutko <ats@acm.org> - I am the rocks.
EEG: Electroencephalogram, EKG: Electrocardiogram, EGG: Breakfast food

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