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Re: Dependency trouble after installing backport

On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 01:47:49PM +0200, Matthias Hentges wrote:
> Hello Ron,
> Am Don, 2003-10-09 um 12.24 schrieb Ron Rademaker:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I've installed a backport of exim4 for woody (because I want to use xasm
> > and xasm needs exim 4), however this has caused some trouble. Namely
> > pretty much any package that depends on exim (like mailscanner) thinks
> > something is wrong and wants to completely remove my exim4 installation
> > and reinstall exim. I want to know if it's possible to make apt think
> > that exim4 provides exim so that everything will be back the way I want
> > it. 
> One way would be to recompile all packages which depend on exim and
> replace the exim depency with exim4 (if the packages don't have problems
> with the newer exim4 when compiling, that is).
> It's also trivial to generate a fake .deb of exim. I 've attached one to
> this mail. The whole .deb consists of a Readme in /usr/share/docs.

OOI what/where is 'mkdeb'? It doesn't seem to be anything to do with


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