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Current stability of "testing"?

I've got several amchines that I was tracking "testing" on up untill amonth
or so, when I quit doing so because I was unhappy with Gnome 2.2 vs Gnome
1.4, whch seems much ore featurefull, and pretty to me.

In any case, I need to rebuild an old Progeney machine that I use as an
audio processing station, since I want to get newer version of various
tools that I use for that. I tries to install a "testing" distribution last
weekend on a machine that's hardware identical to a couple of the frozen
machines, and really did not wind up with a happy install (for instace I
never got X to work properly, and Gnome was a real mess).

So, whats the consensious on the current state of the "testing" branch?
Should I start over on that machine, and hpe to wind up with a happy
machine, or is there a ebtter option? Hows unstable these days?

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
						-- Benjamin Franklin

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